Sunday, 21 January 2018


You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored? it is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men. Matt. 5:13 AMP.

Jesus said you are the salt of the world, but if salt (you) change by losing its original taste, it will become useless.

As a christian I am challenging you to check yourself today.

 Are you still as tasty, sweet and sharp "salt like" just like when you met Jesus?

Has your zeal for the Lord remain the same? Do you still read your bible like you used too.

Are you still hungry for the true word or you appetite for a long rich sermon has diminish?

How conveniently do you sleep in church meetings and programs this days?

Do you still Love God with all your heart and all your soul? Do you still seek His face and wait on Him for everything in your life? Do you still love people unconditionally?

Do you still live to please God in every area of your life? Are you still a giver and a tither?
Are you still mindful of heaven and hell?

Are you still the same fervent, prayerful, righteousness lover and a truth living christian you use to be or you have join them since you can't bet them.

"hmmmn" 2 Tim. 3:1-5 spoke about changes we should watch-out for in this last days.
Are you sure the spirit of end time change have not sweep you along?

Some Christians now a days consider nothing sacred anymore. Spiritual things are now jokes of the town, people are now debating on the truth of the word of God. 

How much have you changed?

Every christian need to ask themselves this question.

Salt is know for is preservative quality, it protect any substance from bacteria's and germs.
But when a Salt lose its taste, strength and qualities, it can become a carrier of bacteria itself.

Same way no devil or demon could penetrate or afflict Christians when they maintain there saltiness (qualities of Christ likeness).
When your taste get compromised it gives room to attacks from the devil, you need to stay tasty as a salt to be protected from the enemies..

Salts brings sweetness and end bitterness.
The "Christ like"  gives you a flavor and aroma that make you smell good to the world. 

Note this: your religious activities can never cover up when you lose your taste. 

A worker, minister, or Pastor who lose is salty taste will not be able to impact the world nor become and object of change for good. 
Rather they would be influenced by the world and become a thorn to the body of Christ.

If you are still reading this and you know you have lose your original salty taste that you heard when you met Jesus. Its not to late, ask Jesus for a restoration today.

 He is ready to make you sweet again, and every bitterness will disappear in your life in Jesus name.

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