A big prove of your salvation is the newness of life.
Anyone who belong to Christ has become a new
person, the old life is gone; a new life has begun.
2 cor 5:17.
2 cor 5:17.
One good way to evaluate your new life is CHANGE, from
your old ways of life to a new lifestyle.
- There are things you do in the old life before knowing Jesus, now you do them no more.
Anger, sexual Immorality, lies, malice, theft, covetousness
hatred, alcoholism, smoking, wild party, jealousy, backbiting etc.
All of this nature are product of the old man.
A contact with Jesus can bring a major change and give a new life.
A contact with Jesus can bring a major change and give a new life.
- Actually no man can give himself a new life, friends and families can never give you a new life,
The old life makes a man to be enslaved to the devil, the old life is a life of sin, and whoever sin belong to the devil bible speaking.
That is why the devil does not want to release you. he knows that this new life will give you freedom from him and his host.
The devil is a liar.
When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners Rom 5:6.
- He is still available for you today, He can change your life for good, only of you are ready for the change.
You should't be tied down in bondage of smoking, alcoholism, Immoralities, theft, anger, etc.
Jesus is ready to give you a new life,and make you to enjoy: freedom, peace, Joy, hope, sound health, prosperity, promotion that wills last forever.
Take a good step today by giving your life to Jesus.
If you have decided to go for this new life say this after me:
Jesus I know am a sinner, you died and rose again because of me.
Father I confess all my sin to you today, forgive and wash me with your precious blood,
I accept you as my personal Lord and savior.
Thank you for the new life in you. In Jesus name Amen.
Now you are a child of God and you belong Him. God bless you.
Dammy Nice blog here. Powerful stuff