There was a king that enjoyed God's favor and backup. God loved him so much that He
became his guidance in everything.
One day God
send his servant to this king saying; am sending you to avenge a nation, which has been
oppressing my people for a very long time.
Now because of the wickedness of this enemy of God's people, I’m going to destroy them through you.
Now because of the wickedness of this enemy of God's people, I’m going to destroy them through you.
God told him
specifically, destroy the entire nation
including the animals and all there possessions.
Now the King
gathered his men of war and went for a battle as God commanded.
They destroyed the nation and kept behind the king of the nation, the best of there livestock and everything that appealed to them.
They destroyed the nation and kept behind the king of the nation, the best of there livestock and everything that appealed to them.
When the battle ended, they were rejoicing for the victory they had won.
God now send his servant again to the king, the servant of God ask him; have you done what God ask you to do?
Then the king answered; yes we destroyed the whole nation and kept the best of their animals to sacrifice on to the Lord.
The servant
of God became annoyed and said: was that what God ask you to do?
He gave you instructions and you disobeyed him.
For this cause God has rejected you as a king.
He gave you instructions and you disobeyed him.
For this cause God has rejected you as a king.
The king exclaimed: but I obeyed God by wiping off the nation. I only please my people by keeping the live stocks.
The servant of God replied: obedience is better than sacrifice; submission to God is better the fat of ram. God has rejected you.
This was how
the king was rejected by God for partial obedience.
When a man obeys partly it’s equal to disobedience.
When a man obeys partly it’s equal to disobedience.
I pray you
will not be rejected by God. God loves those who will obey Him totally. To who
much is given much is expected.
If you want God to position you in a higher place in life you must be ready to carryout his instruction to the full.
Don’t follow multitude to decide, don’t be pushed by men, do want will make God happy and he will lift you up the more.
Partial disobedience demotes, destroy and disqualify people.
Don’t allow the devil to deceive you.
God has better place for you but it’s your total obedience that will recommend you for the next level. and maintain you when you get there.
You will not fail in Jesus name.
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