Tuesday, 2 February 2016


In this world today there are more than 19 major world religion which are subdivided into 270 large religious group and many smaller one.

Religion is defined as a belief and worship of supreme being with controlling power somewhere (God).

On this note it is proved that religious people believe that there is God somewhere. 

But most of them have not been able to lay hold or understand how to reach God. 

It’s a pity that "religion" could not take us to God, some "deities and gods" profess themselves to be God, but have no trait or similarities with God.

God is Holy, righteous, omnipotent, omniscience, sovereign, invisible and effective in his ways.

The only way to reach Him is through someone like him, who he gave unto us, his name is Jesus.

  • Jesus said; i am the way the truth and the life, no one come to the father (God) but through me. John 14:6.
Are you truly seeking to reach God? 

The only gate, only way and only access is through Christ Jesus.

The devil has successfully kept many in the dark in the name of religion. 

  • There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death Prov 14:12. 
Moreover people have been deceived, oppressed, tortured, and kept in bondage by the devil, despite their faithfulness to their religion.

I’m challenging you today to try this way to freedom, your security is in him alone, your promotion come from him alone. 

If you cling to Jesus your salvation is sure and secured.

No religion can give you peace of mind.

  •  Jesus said: I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart and the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.
Peace is a gift from God that you can receive only through Jesus. 

No “god” can give peace because they possess none, but Jesus has peace and can give the peace of God.

Make up your mind today to meet Jesus and accept him into your life.
When you accept the son (Jesus) you accept the father (God),
you will have peace happiness and joy.

Don’t postpone your salvation, tomorrow might be dangerous, choose Jesus today. 

You can say this with me if you decide to be with Jesus :

Jesus I know am a sinner, you died and rose again because of me. Jesus I confess all my sin to you today, forgive and wash me with your precious blood. 
I accept you as my personal Lord and savior.
Thank you for accepting me, in Jesus name Amen.

Now you are a child of God and on the right track with God. 
God bless you.

For Counseling send an email to :

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